About us
RoCoCo (Cognitive Cooperating Robots) is a research laboratory of Dipartimento di Ingegneria Informatica, Automatica e Gestionale of Sapienza University of Rome. The research carried out at the lab focuses on the realization of intelligent agents, typically embedded in a physical world and equipped with a physical body (i.e. robots). The aim is to integrate explicit representation of knowledge enabling high level complex tasks, within on a variety of mobile platforms. The implementation effort has been supported through OpenRDK, a software framework for the development of robotic applications. The application domains, where the research ideas have been tested and experimentally evaluated, include multi-robot systems in soccer, search and rescue, surveillance and domestics. Specific implementations of multi-agent and multi-robot system are pursued through the participation in RoboCup competitions. The faculties supporting the research at RoCoCo are Daniele Nardi, Luca Iocchi, Giorgio Grisetti.
What motivates us
Our motivations for submitting an experiment proposal to Echord are manifold. First of all, it provides an agile and light weight framework for testing and validating potential applications of research into industrial contexts. Specifically, the proposed experiment is motivated by our long term view of developing knowledgeable robots, which requires to exploit all the capabilities of the state of the art speech understanding technology. Spoken language is a primary interaction mean to realize cognitive robots that meet the expectation of real world applications in different domains. In particular, natural language is built on symbols that convey meaning that humans and robots must share for an effective interaction. Our expectation is therefore to deliver a system that allows for an easy customization of the speech interface for different robotic platforms and operational environments, that is based on a symbolic representation of domain knowledge and on the capabilities of the Speaky technology.
How to contact us
Università di Roma La SapienzaDipartimento di Ingegneria Informatica, Automatica e GestionaleProf. Daniele NardiVia Ariosto 2500185 RomeItaly+39 06 77274113